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Why do businesses need a logo?

Banner Image By Richa Garg | Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

“A logo doesn’t sell (directly), it identifies” – Paul Rand. 

A logo is the first presentation of a business. It is often said that a logo is the first interaction that a potential customer will have with a company. A logo says everything about the product or services, often without a single word being stated. Technically, a logo is imprinted on all of the company official documents, such as letterheads, business cards, packaging, advertising materials and in the hearts of the customers – everything that comes out of the company bears its logo.

For a logo to be effective and timeless, there should be a perfect blend of icon, typography, design and colour. For instance, the colour carries a message and can have a psychological effect on the paying customer. Red is known for love, romance, blood, danger, anger, whereas white on the other hand represents peace, purity, elegance. Hence, a logo must be designed keeping the target audience in mind. 

There are many logos on which corporate names are not mentioned, yet they are effortlessly and promptly recognizable. Think of an apple with a bite taken out of it or the famous golden arches.  In the opinion of Sagi Haviv, partner at New York graphic design firm Chermayeff & Geismer & Haviv (CGH), “It’s never love at first sight,” he says. “A good logo, a good trademark, gains meaning and power over time. Therefore, logos have to be unique and clever, as it is effective in building brand loyalty.”

If you are starting a new business or launching a new product, please do spend time on designing the logo and ensure that the message it carries is consistent and spread within your own organization.

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